AirBoard 流媒体服务无法使用 | AirBoard Streaming Service Is Not Available

由于一些未知的原因,英国下议院首相问答 (Prime Minister's Questions,下文简称 PMQs),无法上传到包括哔哩哔哩以及优酷在内的在线流媒体视频平台。因此我们在最近的一段时间,即从 PMQs 20180912 起,暂停提供 PMQs 的在线播放方式。

同时,我们正在 AirBoard 网站( )准备自己的在线流媒体播放平台,预计会在一周之内推出。


For some unknown reasons, the Prime Minister's Questions (hereinafter referred to as PMQs) cannot be uploaded to online streaming video platforms including Bilibili and Youku. Therefore, we have stopped providing PMQs streaming video since episode 20180912.

At the same time, we are preparing our own online streaming media platform on the AirBoard website ( ), which is expected to be launched within a week.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

tag(s): PMQs
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