全新 AirBoard 网站现已上线 | This Is The Official AirBoard Website

经过一个多月的准备,我们现在已将全新的 AirBoard 官方网站呈现在您的面前。我们将在近期逐步上线其他功能。

我们发布在中国大陆的内容满足中国大陆相关的法律法规,但是一些第三方平台却因为一些不明所以的原因屏蔽我们发布的内容。为了使 AirBoard 在一定程度上具有独立性,我们上线了 AirBoard 网站。我们将对一些在第三方平台受到限制的内容做单独发布。


AirBoard 的网站将用于发布播客以及 AirBoard 的相关站点状态信息。

With more than one month of preparation, we are now presenting you the official AirBoard website. We will gradually launch other features in the near future.

Our content published in mainland China complies with relevant laws and regulations in mainland China. However, some third-party platforms block our contents for some unknown reasons. In order to make AirBoard more independent, we released the AirBoard website. We will publish some contents restricted by the third-party platforms on this site.

Due to the restrictions of relevant laws and regulations in mainland China, you may not be able to use our comment system in mainland China. The comments you submit must be reviewed in the background before they can be presented on the site.

This site will be used to post podcasts and related site status information for AirBoard.

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