AirBoard 暂停更新公告 | AirBoard Temporarily Stops Updating

AirBoard 由于以下原因会暂停一些相关业务。

  1. 由于一些未知的原因,由 AirBoard 合作平台提供的 AirBoard 在线流媒体服务在近期不可用。
  2. 由于 AirScript 服务器相关原因,AirBoard 将暂停更新所有内容。
  3. 由于 AirBoard 在往期推送中出现了一些严重的错误,我们将在近期进行内部自查。

受影响时间段为 2019 年 1 月 5 日至 2019 年 1 月 20 日,我们预计会在此后恢复更新。很抱歉给您带来不便。

15 Jan 2019: We have started the investigation.
17 Jan 2019: We are trying to fix some bad URL issues.
24 Jan 2019: We are deploying a new solution for our streaming services.

AirBoard will suspend some related business for the following reasons.

  1. AirBoard online streaming service provided by our partner platform is not available recently future for some unknown reason.
  2. Due to AirScript server related reasons, AirBoard will temporarily stop updating all content.
  3. Due to some serious errors in AirBoard's post, we will conduct an internal self-examination in the near future.

The affected time period is from January 5, 2019, to January 20, 2019, and we expect to resume the update thereafter. Sorry for the inconvenience.


tag(s): SodaSub
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